Mozambique: “After years of displacement, families returning to Mocímboa da Praia were confronted with total destruction.”

While close to 630,000 people remain displaced by the ongoing conflict in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique, over 540,000 previously displaced have returned to their areas of origin1. The coastal town of Mocímboa da Praia and other parts of this district, which were heavily impacted by the violence, is now host to many of these returnees. Luis Angel Argote, coordinator of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Mocímboa, explains the challenges of rebuilding life from zero with the ghosts from the past.

Portrait of Luis Angel Argote, coordinator of MSF in Mocímboa da Praia, Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique. Photographer: Martim Gray Pereira | Location: Mocímboa da Praia | Date: 28/08/2023
Portrait of Luis Angel Argote, coordinator of MSF in Mocímboa da Praia, Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique. Photographer: Martim Gray Pereira | Location: Mocímboa da Praia | Date: 28/08/2023

What situation did the returnees find in Mocímboa?

The first attacks in Cabo Delgado took place in Mocímboa da Praia in 2017, followed by more severe violence. In 2020, the town was taken over by members of a non-state armed group, but in August 2021, Mozambican and Rwandese armed forces retook control. Since then, according to United Nations figures, around 176,000 people who had fled from the district have returned following the improvement in the security situation. 

Mocímboa today has the largest number of returnees in Cabo Delgado and is the area of return with the highest needs, followed by the neighbouring district of Palma. Palma hosts the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) megaproject, the biggest private investment in Africa, and was at the centre of attacks in 2021 that attracted international media attention. 

Having arrived in Mocímboa after years of being displaced, families were confronted with destruction. Most public buildings, including schools, hospitals, health centres and water infrastructure, were destroyed, and shops, markets, stores, and banks were hit at least by one gunshot or burned to some extent. Most families have faced the harsh reality of relying mainly on humanitarian assistance. People have no jobs or outlook on the future. ​

For most returnees, coming back has meant starting from zero. Their property—their houses and "machambas" (maize or rice fields)—was damaged due to conflict, wild animals, or the passing of time. Most people had escaped with nothing except maybe a blanket and the clothes that they had on that morning. When returning, many expected to have some belongings in their home, but nothing was left. Most houses were plundered. Sometimes, people have to stay with friends and relatives and are still staying with them. They have rebuilt their homes using mud, sticks and plastic sheeting. ​ Even though the security situation here has been improving little by little, people still fear possible attacks when going to the machambas, which keeps them away from their means of survival.

What are the main needs of families returning to Mocímboa?

The harsh conditions of displaced people are typically in the spotlight in Cabo Delgado, but life for returnees is often equally difficult, and their needs can be quite similar. The returnees are mainly requesting support with food, water, shelter, healthcare, including mental healthcare, and education. MSF is still one of the few organizations or bodies providing humanitarian assistance here, and it is essential to mobilize additional assistance. 

Most health infrastructure was destroyed and needed to be reconstructed to ensure access to healthcare. There is an urgent need for additional health professionals, medicines, and medical equipment to make health centres and hospitals functional again. Patients are waiting for long hours and sometimes have to share beds due to insufficient health professionals and facilities. Only one out of seven health centres operational before the conflict is now functioning, and rehabilitation of the district's main hospital and maternity service is still pending. Ambulance drivers still need to feel more comfortable responding to emergencies during the night due to concerns about the security situation. 

The conflict has had a significant impact on people's mental health. Returning meant re-living the traumas experienced. The attacks were brutal and left no one untouched. Many had or saw their parents, siblings, grandparents, children, friends, and neighbours assassinated, decapitated, or killed by gunfire. Some lost their entire family. More than 50 per cent of the patients we have seen in our mental health sessions had separation or loss as a precipitating event, and 19 per cent are direct victims of violence. We have seen cases of elderly people taking care of their grandchildren or losing their whole family during conflict. We have witnessed orphaned minors having to take care of other minors. 

For most families, every day is a struggle to get something to eat, despite some humanitarian organisations' efforts and the community's solidarity. Some people cultivate whatever they can close to their houses as they don't dare to tend crops in the forest anymore due to security concerns. Food is rationed within each family. If it weren't for the fertility of the soil in Mocímboa and the access to sea and rivers for fishing, many people would experience starvation. Some have managed, however, to build nets to fish, buy seeds and machetes for agriculture, and slowly start rebuilding their lives. 

The water network of Mocímboa was also destroyed. Of 102 public water fonts and boreholes assessed by MSF in Mocímboa town, only 23 are working – five recently built by MSF. This means that for a population of more than 53,500 people in Mocímboa town, the ratio is one water point per approximately 2,300 persons. To access safe water, families must walk miles and wait in lines for hours to fill as many buckets as they can manage. The lack of water and latrines also prompts concern about water-borne diseases such as cholera. As most schools were destroyed during the conflict, children can often be seen having classes under mango trees – but for just two hours per day, as the same teacher gives lessons to multiple groups. 

What is MSF doing in response to the situation?

MSF had previously run a project in Mocímboa, but the team was forced to evacuate in March 2020 as non-state armed groups were attacking the area. Through mobile clinics from mid-2021, we progressively reached some areas of the district, and in September 2022, as people started to return in large groups, MSF resumed its permanent presence in the town. 

Currently, MSF provides primary healthcare services at the transitory health centre in Mocímboa and through mobile clinics in eight villages within the district. These services include testing and treatment for HIV and TB, sexual and reproductive healthcare, pre and post-natal consultations, and a nutritional and mental health program. 

Between January and June, MSF reached over 100,000 people with health promotion activities, conducted 21,600 medical consultations, provided psychological support through group and individual sessions to 14,000 people, treated 7,300 cases of malaria and 4,800 cases of respiratory infections, referred 2,000 patients in need of further medical care, conducted 1,500 sexual and reproductive health consultations, and assisted 600 childbirths. In the first half of 2023, the main conditions seen in our mobile clinics were malaria (33.9%), respiratory infections (22.4%), and skin diseases (16.2%).

MSF has also been helping to rehabilitate health infrastructure, including rehabilitating the Centro Escola de Formação, close to the main hospital in Mocímboa, serving as a temporary hospital. MSF also supported the rehabilitation of Quelimane Health Centre, which is supposed to cover the needs of around 16,000 people in the area. To improve access to safe drinking water, MSF distributed soap and chorine solution kits to 16,000 families and supported water pump rehabilitation. 

What else can you tell us about Mocímboa?

Mocímboa is a special place for its beautiful nature and the strength of its population. Plenty of cocoa and mango trees, beautiful beaches, rivers and lagoons, and a deep forest surround everything. When travelling by air, you see the magnificence of the Indian Ocean contrasting with the green forest and white sands, as well as the mountains in Mueda and Palma filled with wildlife. Before the conflict, people used to come here on holidays.

In Mocímboa, the community has managed to do what in other places would have taken years: with courage, they have re-started from zero small farms, shops, and civil services the best way they could, with very scarce resources and support. However, substantial needs remain, and we are calling for greater support to address what the community cannot do alone.

MSF has been working in Cabo Delgado since 2019, ensuring access to healthcare for people displaced by the conflict or returning to their homes through community-based services and mobile clinics and supporting health centres and local hospitals. In 2023, MSF teams have been present in the hard-to-reach areas of districts of Macomia, Meluco, Mocímboa da Praia, Mueda, Muidumbe, Nangade, Namuno and Palma. 

Their activities have included:

  • Mental health services.
  • Primary and secondary healthcare consultations.
  • Health promotion.
  • Water and sanitation improvements.
  • Distribution of essential relief items.

1 ​ IOM/DTM Mozambique: Mobility Tracking Assessment Report 19 – August 2023

Our Activities in Mozambique in 2022

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Seipati Moloi

Seipati Moloi

Head of Media and Digital Relations, Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

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Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is a global network of principled medical and other professionals who specialise in medical humanitarian work, driven by our common humanity and guided by medical ethics. We strive to bring emergency medical care to people caught in conflicts, crises, and disasters in more than 70 countries worldwide.

In South Africa, the organisation is recognised as one of the pioneers of providing Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in the public sector and started the first HIV programmes in South Africa in 1999. Until today, the focus of MSF’s interventions in the country has been on developing new testing and treatment strategies for HIV/AIDS and TB in Eshowe (Kwa-Zulu Natal) and Khayelitsha (Western Cape).

In Tshwane, we run a migration project, and we offer medical and psychosocial care to migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, who struggle to access public health services under South Africa’s increasingly restrictive.

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